
Q: Can I apply for this grant if I’m under 18?
A: Yes, you can! If you’re under 18 and enrolling in a qualifying healthcare program, you can apply. Just make sure to complete the application with your parent or guardian.

Covered Expenses

Q: What expenses does the grant cover?
A: The grant can pay for:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Books and supplies
  • Licensing or certification exam fees
  • Other required program costs

Q: What expenses are not covered by the grant?
A: The grant does not cover:

  • Room and board
  • Childcare
  • Transportation
  • Other personal expenses

Program Requirements

Q: Do I need to keep a certain GPA to stay eligible for funding?
A: Yes, you must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in consecutive semesters if your program requires it.

Q: Can I take a break from my program and still get funding when I return?
A: No, if your program lasts more than one semester, you need to complete it without breaks between semesters.

Application Process

Q: How will I know if my application is approved?
A: You’ll receive an email from WyEMS after the application window closes. If you’re approved, the email will include the next steps for submitting documentation and receiving funding.

Program Changes

Q: What should I do if I can’t finish the program I was approved for?
A: You must notify WyEMS in writing as soon as possible. They will review your situation and let you know the next steps.