July 2024

The July 2024 issue of Trends is a quarterly issue that includes the following articles and features: 

  • 2023Q4 Quarterly Update: Construction Drives Wyoming Employment Growth
  • New from R&P: 2023 Annual Employment and Wage Data 
  • Growing and Declining Industries in Wyoming, 2023Q4
  • Quarterly Turnover Statistics by Industry, Third Quarter 2023
  • Wyoming Unemployment Rises Slightly to 2.9% in May 2024
  • Current Employment Statistics (CES) Estimates and Research & Planning’s Internal Estimates, May 2024
  • Current Employment Statistics Graphs
  • State Unemployment Rates (Seasonally Adjusted)
  • Wyoming Nonagricultural Wage and Salary Employment
  • State Unemployment Rates (Not Seasonally Adjusted)
  • Economic Indicators
  • County Unemployment Rates
  • Wyoming Normalized Unemployment Insurance Statistics: Initial Claims
  • Wyoming Normalized Unemployment Insurance Statistics: Continued Claims

The July 2024 issue of Wyoming Labor Force Trends is available at https://doe.state.wy.us/LMI/trends/0724/toc.htm.

Back issues of Trends can be found at https://doe.state.wy.us/lmi/BACKISS.HTM.

Dive deep into the dynamics of Wyoming’s workforce with the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services’ Labor Force Trends, a monthly publication from our Research & Planning division. Each issue offers a thorough analysis of current trends, providing valuable insights into employment patterns, industry growth, and economic shifts affecting the state. Stay informed on the factors driving Wyoming’s labor market and gain a competitive edge with data-driven insights and expert commentary. Whether you’re a business leader, policy maker, or simply interested in the state’s economic health, Labor Force Trends is your go-to resource for understanding the evolving workforce landscape. Sign up here to have Labor Force Trends delivered straight to your mailbox.