June 2024

Initial Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims remained largely unchanged from May to June, while continued claims declined substantially. Initial and continued claims both increased compared to June 2023.

There were 1,146 initial claims in June 2024, down slightly (-9, or -0.8%) from May 2024. Initial claims are often at their lowest levels during the warm summer months each year, as employment picks up in industries such as construction and leisure & hospitality.

Continued claims followed their normal seasonal pattern and decreased over the month (-1,050, or -13.0%).

The total number of unique claimants increased from 2,250 to 2,489 (239, or 10.6%) over the year, and dropped by 89 (-3.5%) over the month. Over the year, the total number of continued weeks claimed increased from 6,418 to 7,027 (609, or 9.5%).

The June 2024 Unemployment Insurance claims report also provides detailed information on initial and continued claims at the industry and county levels.

The complete Wyoming UI claims report for June 2024 is available at https://doe.state.wy.us/LMI/UI/0624_UI.pdf

For additional UI claims data, please click here: https://doe.state.wy.us/LMI/ui.htm

Published July 17, 2024.