May 2024

Both initial and continued Unemployment Insurance (UI) claims followed their normal seasonal patterns and decreased from April to May. However, initial and continued claims increased compared to May 2023. .

There were 1,155 initial claims in May 2024, an increase of 62 claims (5.7%) over the year. Over the month, initial claims decreased by 469 (-28.9%). The over-the-year increase in initial claims was driven by more claims in mining (40, or 62.5%) and professional & business services (39, or 41.5%).

The total number of continued weeks claimed increased from 7,668 in May 2023 to 8,077 in May 2024 (409, or 5.3%).

The number of unique claimants increased from 2,476 to 2,578 (102, or 4.1%) over the year.

The May 2024 Unemployment Insurance claims report also provides detailed information on initial and continued claims at the industry and county levels. 

The complete Wyoming UI claims report for May 2024 is available at 

For additional UI claims data, please click here: 

Published June 17, 2024.