What is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act?
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which became effective July 1st, 2015, was adopted to meet the needs of job seekers and businesses in the 21st century. WIOA is a federally funded, state-mandated program administered by the Department of Workforce Services.
Through WIOA, the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services provides opportunities to help youth and adults prepare for a successful working career.
Each program has different eligibility requirements. Please contact your local Workforce Center for additional information about qualifying and how WIOA can help you.
See the WIOA brochure here. Find information about the WIOA Quality Jobs, Equity, Strategy, and Training (QUEST) Grant here. Learn about the WIOA Youth program here.
Services Offered
- Assessment of skill levels, aptitudes, abilities, interests, and service needs
- Development of an individual employment plan to identify short and long-term employment goals
- Implementation of a plan to achieve employment goal
- Work experience assistance
- Occupational skills training
- On-the-job training
- Training in high-demand, high-growth occupations that pay a self-sufficient wage
Training Opportunities
WIOA provides comprehensive services which assist individuals in entering industries where they can make a self-sufficient wage.
Some key industries that are targeted:
- Healthcare/Healthcare Technology
- Construction/Trades
- Transportation/CDL Licenses
- Environmental Technology
- Administrative Office Technology
With particular focus on occupations that have higher projected growth potential.
Careers outside of these industries may also be considered.
All funding requests in any key industry will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Eligibility Requirements
Youth Program
- In-school: Ages 14- 21
- Out of school: Ages 16- 24
- Live in Wyoming
- May be required to meet low-income eligibility or another state employment barrier
Adult Program
- Ages 18+
- Unemployed, under-employed, or dislocated worker eligible for unemployment and unable to return to previous industry.
- Lacking skills necessary to obtain employment that pays a self-sufficient wage
- Live in Wyoming
- May be required to meet low-income eligibility