The Wyoming Employers Hire Vets (W.E. Hire Vets) program is designed to help recognize employers who make efforts to hire and retain veteran workers in their businesses. 

All businesses legally operating within the state of Wyoming that hire or continue to employ a veteran during any given year are eligible for the program. Businesses may apply for the recognition each calendar year they hire or employ a veteran. Participating businesses will receive a window sticker, digital materials, and consideration for annual awards for employers who go above and beyond in their employment of veterans.

Participation in the W.E. Hire Vets program is simple

  • Have a veteran employee on staff.
  • Fill out the DWS online form.
  • DWS may verify the information.
  • If approved, DWS will send out the window sticker and digital package.

A business with multiple locations may apply for window stickers for each location provided a veteran works at every location where a sticker is displayed. For example, a restaurant with two locations and one veteran employee who works at each location, may apply for and display a sticker at each location.

The window sticker is composed of a large window sticker with the program image. Each year an employer hires a veteran, they can get a new yearly smaller window sticker to place next to or below the prominent sticker. 

Annual W.E. Hire Vets employer of the year awards

The annual award qualifications for small, medium, and large business awards match the federal Department of Labor HIRE Vets Medallion gold award level for the appropriate business size. Though there are no specific qualifications for the award recognizing efforts to hire and employ the spouses of veterans or active duty service members, DWS asks applicants to demonstrate their efforts to hire and employ military spouses and any extra efforts they make to accommodate their unique situations.

DWS will issue application and qualification information to all companies who have registered with the program that year, but other employers may apply as well. 

DWS will compose a team to review all applications to determine which businesses will win yearly awards. The application review team may include both DWS staff and individuals who are not DWS staff members. 

Questions, Concerns, and Inquiries

Click here to download program guidelines. Prospective applicants may fill out this form. Please direct any questions, concerns, or inquiries about the program to the State Veterans Coordinator, Michael Davis at 307-777-8518 or