Brochures / Pamphlets
- Child Labor Laws Brochure – Guide to Child Labor Requirements for the Fair Labor Standards Act and Wyoming Labor Laws brochure
- Handy Reference Guide to Wyoming Labor Standards
- Wyoming Preference Act Brochure (English)
- Wyoming Preference Act Brochure (Spanish)
- Americans with Disabilities Act Intake Form (Fair Employment Program)
- Employment Agency Licensing Bond Form
- General Intake Questionnaire (Fair Employment Program)
- Prevailing Wage Information
Labor Law Posters
Employers are required to post all labor law information in a place where employees can easily access them. Get your FREE printable posters right here! You may also call or visit your local Wyoming Workforce Center to pick up a free printed Labor Law Poster.
NOTE: Labor law posters are always free from the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services. The Department will never ask employers for credit card information for labor law posters.
- Federal-Level Labor Law Posters (includes Federal Minimum Wage, Employee Rights, FMLA, EEO, Discrimination, EPPA and USERRA)
- Wyoming-Specific Labor Law Posters (Spanish Version) (Printable; includes OSHA, Workers’ Comp, State Minimum Wage, UI and Workers’ Rights)
- Federal Employee Rights Poster (Printable)
- Non-Federal Employee Rights Poster (Printable)
- U.S. Department of Labor Workplace Posters