Wage Offset Rules and Regulations

Child Labor Information

Filing a Charge of Discrimination with the Wyoming Fair Employment Program/Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

The following intake questionnaires, as part of the process of filing a charge of discrimination with the Wyoming Fair Employment Program/Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, can be downloaded as needed.

The steps for filing a charge are as follows:

  1. Intake Questionnaire(s) filled out by Charging Party and received by the Wyoming Fair
    Employment Practices office
  2. Intake Questionnaire(s) reviewed by Compliance Officer and Charge Draft sent to Charging
    Party OR a Request for Information sent to Charging Party
  3. Signed, notarized Charge Draft received by the Wyoming Fair Employment Practices office and
    Charge is filed
  4. Respondent served with Charge within 10 days of receipt by the Wyoming Fair Employment
    Practices office and given 14 days to respond. If requested, an extension of time to respond can
    be granted.
  5. Respondent responds – Charging Party given 14 days to rebut Respondent’s answer. If
    requested, an extension of time to respond can be granted
  6. Charging Party responds – Charge assigned to a Compliance Officer for investigation;
    investigation ensues
  7. Fact Finding/Settlement Conference held with Charging Party, Respondent and the Compliance
  8. Case resolved at conference and closed OR more information required and investigation
    continues OR Compliance Officer makes determination
  9. No Reasonable Cause determination issued by Compliance Officer – case closed. Charging
    Party has 20 days to ask for hearing under state law, OR 15 days to ask EEOC for a review of the
    investigation if the charge is dual filed under state and federal laws
  10. Reasonable Cause determination issued by Compliance Officer – conciliation agreement signed
    by Charging Party and Respondent – case settled and closed. If conciliation agreement is not
    signed by Charging Part and/or Respondent, the case proceeds on to further conciliation efforts,
    litigation on behalf of Charging party, Right-to-Sue in Federal District Court or hearing under State
  11. Generally, you have the burden to show that the employer has violated the laws we enforce.
    you must supply some specific evidence—with names, approximate dates, and possible
    witnesses to the events—that suggests unlawful discrimination has occurred. WFEP
    reserves the right to decide how to investigate, how far to investigate, and what determination to
    make on any charge. If WFEP does not find in your favor, you have the right to pursue
    your claim through legal action on your own.
  12. WFEP also decides what priority to give your case, based on the information you supply
    and our experience in such matters. Some cases are investigated immediately, but you should
    also be prepared to wait several months for the investigation to start.

Employment Agency Licensing Information

Labor Standards Rules of Practice and Procedure

Prevailing Wage Information