Cassandra, “Cassie” Pohl, is a bright, energetic young lady who came to the Division for Assistance following an Acquired Brain Injury due to a stroke. The stroke had significantly impacted Cassie’s memory and attention, as well as left her with stamina and physical restrictions.
Cassie had work skills and had started college training in art prior to the stroke, but she was unable to utilize those vocational assets due to her new neurological and physical reality. Cassie determined to finish her college education and to train for a career in Business. Cassie felt that with her own hard work, supports such as memory aides, a detailed calendar, and with continued counseling and therapies to reach her highest level of personal functioning, and in partnership with DVR and the Acquired Brain Injury Waiver that she could make this a successful reality.
For two years, Cassie did just that. She never missed an appointment with DVR, for counseling or her therapies as she continually strove toward her vocational and health goals. And while the work was often very challenging and Cassie had to seek outside assistance and resources, Cassie was never afraid to come to DVR and do that. She never earned a grade lower than a very high B in her classes.
In the last few months, Cassie has seen all of her hard work come full circle. She graduated from college with her Associate’s Degree in Business. Cassie improved her executive functioning to the level of graduating from the ABI Waiver program. Additionally, Cassie obtained full time employment as an office assistant and emergency dispatcher for Laramie County. Cassie was incredibly proud of herself for disclosing her challenges upon the job offer, and advocating for herself in the workplace. She has truly met every definition of success for the Division, and most importantly, for herself.