Data on the Status of Women in Wyoming
Wyoming Women’s Issues Survey (2012)
In June of 2012, the Wyoming Business Council contracted the Wyoming Survey & Analysis Center (WYSAC) at the University of Wyoming to conduct the third iteration of a telephone survey of women in Wyoming. The Survey Research Center (SRC) of WYSAC conducted the first survey in 2004, and the second survey in 2009. The surveys are designed to collect information on issues that are of importance and may be of concern to women in Wyoming.
Having completed three iterations of the survey, we now are able to test for significant and meaningful trends in the issues that affect women. In the 2012 survey, a total of 832 telephone interviews were completed with women in Wyoming.
These policy briefs, completed in 2021, were funded in partnership with the Wyoming Women’s Foundation and the Equality State Policy Center (ESPC). The briefs discuss the impact of women’s participation in the workforce, the importance of self-sufficient wages, and how the state can benefit as a whole.
- Wyoming Women’s Issues 2012 Survey
- Wyoming Women’s Issues 2009 Survey
- Wyoming Women’s Issues 2004 Survey
Self-Sufficiency Calculator (2020)
In 2020, the Wyoming Women’s Foundation, with the support of the Wyoming Council for Women, launched a Self-Sufficiency Calculator to determine how much income is required to meet basic needs, with the amount varying by family composition and geographic location.
This tool can be used in a variety of ways—by clients of workforce and training programs seeking paths to self-sufficiency, by program managers to evaluate program effectiveness, and by policymakers and legislators seeking to create programs and pathways that lead to self-sufficiency for working families. The Wyoming Council for Women was proud to support this initiative.
NACW Voices of Women in America
The Wyoming Council for Women participated in a national effort to capture the Voices of Women in America. The National Association for Commissions of Women (NACW) created a survey for women across the country to have the opportunity to share their challenges and barriers to addressing these challenges. The Wyoming Council for Women heavily promoted participation in the survey through posts on Facebook and by sending it out to groups/agencies/boards that are involved in women’s issues for dissemination. The outreach took place over a nine month period, from 2019 to 2020. NACW is compiling the answers into a report that will be issued in late 2020. The survey data will help NACW and WCW focus outreach projects on issues that matter most to women across the country and in the state of Wyoming.
Wage Disparity and Other Women’s Issues in Wyoming (2007)
Report presented at For the Women of the Mountains International Conference in Orem, Utah.
Wage Disparity Study (2003)
In the 2002 Legislative Session, WCWI was directed to head a steering committee for a wage disparity study to be conducted by the University of Wyoming. The Legislature required a report to be presented to the Joint Minerals, Business and Economic Development Interim Committee on or before May 1, 2003. The study focuses on where wage disparities exist, the major causes of the wage disparities, the impact of wage disparities on Wyoming’s economy, possible solutions to reduce or eliminate wage disparities, and the benefits of eliminating or reducing wage disparities.