The Wyoming Council for Women’s Issues is a 14-member council with representation from each of the nine Judicial Districts, four at large members, and a liaison from the Department of Workforce Services. The Governor appoints Council members through the Boards and Council application process.
The Council receives its funding from the Legislature and relies on numerous volunteer hours to carry out its work.
Governor Clifford Hansen issued a proclamation creating the Governor’s Commission on the State of Women, whereupon Wyoming became the 45th state to have such a commission.
A study was conducted and presented to the governor. The report “Wyoming Women” recommended that the commission be a permanent and continuing entity and that appropriations be requested from the state.
The Legislature passed a bill creating the Wyoming Commission for the Status of Women that would consist of women appointed by the governor, one from each judicial district and four members at large.
The Legislature granted a general fund appropriation for the commission.
The Legislature changed the name to the Wyoming Commission for Women.
The commission became a part of the Department of Employment. The title of the commission was again changed and became the Wyoming Council for Women’s Issues (WCWI).
Governor Geringer moved the WCWI to the Wyoming Business Council.
The Legislature moves WCWI to the Department of Workforce Services.