The Wyoming Department of Workforce Services (DWS) encourages the public to share thoughts as they relate to the topic being discussed on any of our social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube. Please note that the views expressed in visitor comments reflect those of the comment’s author and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services.

DWS reserves the discretion to delete or not allow comments that contain:

  • Obscenity; including anything that is strongly repulsive to the sense of decency and propriety, especially in sexual matters. 
  • Defamation; including false information used to be malice in nature, an assertion of fact and that causes damage.
  • Actual threats; including a statement of an intention to inflict pain, injury, damage, or other hostile action on someone in retribution for something that is done or not done.
  • Personally identifiable information (PII). PII is a term used by the government to refer to information that can be tied to an individual’s identity. Examples include name, Social Security number, address and phone number.
  • Spam including;
    • Links to any external site(s).
    • Multiple successive off-topic posts by a single user or repetitive posts copied and pasted by multiple users.
    • Unsolicited proposals or other business ideas or inquiries; or promotion or endorsement of commercial services, products, or entities. (Note that non-commercial links that are relevant to the topic or another comment are acceptable.)
  • The act, suggestion, or encouragement of illegal activity or illegal discrimination.
  • Actual or suspected malware links.
  • Copywrite of another if the owner of the material has requested the information be removed.

DWS will not edit comments posted to our social media sites. If material provided by a user contains violations of these rules, we will remove the comment in its entirety.

Additionally, DWS reserves the right to ban users who repeatedly violate our comment policy from our social media platforms and to disallow comments on a particular post or on our page at any time.

Please keep in mind that comments published on DWS social media platforms are public and subject to Public Records Requests. 

Communications made through a social media platform will in no way constitute a legal or official notice or comment by DWS, or by or to any official or employee of DWS for any purpose. For example, a post or comment that asks that the DWS provide public records will not be considered a public records request until being sent through the proper channels. 

Questions regarding this policy can be directed to the Communications Division at 307-777-6513.