When Andrew first applied for DVR services, he had no clear idea of what he would like to pursue for a vocational goal. Andrew had just received SSI benefits due to his visual impairment. After high school Andrew attended Eastern Wyoming College for three years taking only general education credits; however, he decided college was not a good fit for him.
VR and Employment Services partnered to provide two work experiences for Andrew to help with the process of identifying an appropriate vocational goal. Although these did not end with a job offer, we were able to better assess his abilities and interests. Andrew was provided with job development and job coaching services in addition to vocational counseling and guidance. Job search and employer contacts were made in attempts to place Andrew in employment that he enjoys and is within his limitations due to his visual disability. When a supervisor at Family Dollar expressed interest in working with Andrew, meetings and phone calls with the employer were done to aid in the process. After being unable to pass the store’s test to become an employee twice, his VR counselor went to the store with him. With the supervisor’s assistance and support, Counselor helped Andrew understand the questions better without disclosing the answers.
Andrew then passed the test and was hired. VR also encouraged Andrew to increase his independent living skills, and he improved as his case progressed. Referrals were made to help Andrew understand his social security benefits better so he could make an informed choice regarding his employment.
Andrew is working in an integrated setting. He chose to pursue this particular job even though it took awhile to make it happen. Andrew is friendly and is getting along well with his co-workers and supervisor. He has no problems with lifting, and he has not had to use his assistive technology to do his job. Since Andrew is self-conscious about using his AT, this is a good fit for him.
Andrew likes his job and continually expresses this to VR. His supervisor has stated he has a place with them, and the other employees enjoy having him on staff. If he has problems with a particular task, his supervisor makes adjustments to determine what he can do instead. According to both Andrew and his supervisor, Andrew is doing well. Andrew’s hours have been increased, and his wish to have a set schedule has been granted. Andrew continues to be enthused about securing this particular position and states that everyone is friendly, cooperative and they all work together well.